How to wear a raincoat?
Rainy season is on its way and we need to protect ourselves from the rain. The best way to protect from the rain is by wearing the raincoat. You can shop raincoat online . The raincoats are of different types and we buy according to our need but fail to carry it. Let’s find some useful tips to wear a raincoat. To protect your hair from wetting in the rain always wear a cap under your hood of the jacket. No one like to wet their clothes so always fold your pants and roll your sleeves up in your rainwear to keep them safe from wetting. If there is not heavy raining, keep your pit zips open as default settings. In case it is raining heavily open your pit zip to protect yourself from the rain. Make your wrist wrap very tight and comfortable so that it prevents water from going inside. Always tuck in your shirt like your wrist collar sleeves in your pants while wearing raincoat to prevent the hem of the shirt from wetting. Always keep your rainwear outside the ...
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